IPPT Award Badge

There are currently 3 types of physical fitness test in Singapore public services: the IPPT award (Individual physical proficiency test), AAFT (Alternate Aerobic Fitness Test) and SPFT (Submaximal Proficiency Fitness Test). These serve as the physical fitness assessment for the personnel in the Singapore Armed Forces, the Singapore Police Force, and the Singapore Civil Defense Force. It is applicable for all Physical Employment Status (PES) A, B, C1 and C2 regular personnel. The specific physical fitness test required is dependent on the individual's medical PES grading as well as age.

IPPT Standards

FOR CAT X (Below 25 yrs)

Grade Points Sit-up (reps) Standing Broad Jump (cm) Chin-up (reps) Shuttle Run (sec) 2.4km Run (min:sec)
A 5 >39 >242 >11 <10.2 <9.45
B 4 37 - 39 234 - 242 10-11 10.2 - 10.3 10:40 - 11:01
C 3 34 - 36 225 - 233 8 - 9 10.4 - 10.5 11:01 - 11:40
D 2 31 - 33 216 - 224 6 - 7 10.6 - 10.7 11:41 - 12:20
E 1 28 - 30 207 - 215 4 - 5 10.8 - 10.9 12:21 - 13:00

FOR CAT Y: 25 to 29

Grade Points Sit-up (reps) Standing Broad Jump (cm) Chin-up (reps) Shuttle Run (sec) 2.4km Run (min:sec)
A 5 >38 >238 >10 <10.3 <10:41
B 4 36 - 38 230 - 238 9-10 10.3 - 10.4 10:41 - 11:20
C 3 33 - 35 221 - 229 7 - 8 10.5 - 10.6 11:21 - 12:00
D 2 30 - 32 212 - 220 5 - 6 10.7 - 10.8 12:01 - 12:40
E 1 27 - 29 203-211 3 - 4 10.9 - 11.0 12:41 - 13:20

For CAT Y1: 30 to 34

Grade Points Sit-up (reps) Standing Broad Jump (cm) Chin-up (reps) Shuttle Run (sec) 2.4km Run (min:sec)
A 5 >36 >233 >9 <10.4 <11.01
B 4 34-36 225-233 8-9 10.4-10.5 11:01-11:40
C 3 31-33 216-224 6-7 10.6-10.7 11:41-12:20
D 2 28-30 207-215 4-5 10.8-10.9 12:21-13:00
E 1 25-27 198-206 3 11.0-11.1 13:01-13:40

For CAT Z: 35 to 39

Grade Points Sit-up (reps) Standing Broad Jump (cm) Chin-up (reps) Shuttle Run (sec) 2.4km Run (min:sec)
A 5 >33 >224 >7 <10.6 <11:41
B 4 31-33 216-224 6-7 10.6-10.7 11.41-12:15
C 3 28-30 207-215 4-5 10.8-10.9 12:16-12:50
D 2 25-27 198-206 3 11.0-11.1 12:51-13:25
E 1 22-24 189-197 2 11.2-11.3 13:26-14:00
Requirements for awards Gold Silver Pass
Combat B-grade for all stations
21 points
2.4km < 9:45
C-grade for all stations
18 points
D-grade for all stations
15 points
Divers/Commando/Guards/Fitness Spec A-grade for all stations
25 points
2.4km < 9:15
B-grade for all stations
23 points
C-grade for all stations
20 points
